Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Legal Issues In Teaching

As many of my classmates have already touched upon this issue I wish to add my own thoughts into the mix.

Religion in schools. Should it be taught? Why or Why not? And, if so, How should it be taught?

In my opinion religion can be a very touchy subject. This country was founded upon the beliefs of religious freedom. "In God We Trust" is on our money. We say "God" in the pledge of allegiance. We even have a moment of silence in schools to honor those who have gone before us. As someone who is religious I use that time to pray. Some people believe thsi should not be allowed. In my opinion, "God" in those instances can mean whatever higher power you want it to be whether you believe in God or Allah. Even for those of you who do not believe in a higher power, it can mean doing what is right and just and moral.

Now in public schools especially, teaching religion should be allowed in a very strict historical sense. You cannot understand the Spanish Inquisition, or why the Pilgrims left Europe, without explaining religion and religious persecution. Aspects of religion are in all parts of our society and our history so taking it out completely would only harm our children's education. Religion is in the Holocaust, the crusades, it is in 9/11, and the constant wars in Israel. Religion is a constant motivator for people's political beliefs. Most voters who are against Gay marriage and Abortion are so because it goes against their religious beliefs. Our children need to understand this. If we want our kids to be accepting and understanding of the diversities among their peers, religion needs to be taught in schools in a very cautious, historical way. If we continue to push religious education into silence and taboo, it will breed ignorance. Ignorance leads to hate, which in turn leads to violence. I do not think we as teachers should shove our personal beliefs down our children's throats. I believe in God but I will leave him outside of my classroom to respect the fact that many of my children might not believe in him. Historical aspects of ALL religions should be taught in classes to promote acceptance of differences.

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